Virtual Lab

Virtual Lab

Virtual Lab is an initiative by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) under the National Mission on Education through ICT. It was launched with the vision to enhance learning through experiential, hands-on engagement with science, engineering, and technology in a virtual environment, allowing learners to explore at their own pace, place, and time.

Objectives of Virtual Lab

  • Setup state of art virtual experimentation facilities (simulation) in selected areas of engineering & science
  • Setup state of art experimentation facility in selected areas of Engineering and Science education which can be used both through remote access and on-site experimental work
  • Make these facilities available to all the educational institutions and students 24 X 7

Salient Features

  • Virtual Labs will provide the students to understand the Modelling process of a real-world system into an approximate version.
  • Virtual labs will allow the students to Remotely trigger an experiment in an actual lab and get the result of the experiment through the computer interface.
  • Virtual Labs are more realistic way of learning the subjects as it provides the technical input through audio and video streaming of an actual lab experiment and equipment.

MIT a Nodal Centre of Virtual Lab NITK Surathkal

MIT College of Engineering is recognised as a nodal centre of Virtual Lab NIT-Karnataka, Surathkal. Being a Nodal Centre under the guidance of NIT-K, Surathkal, MIT College of Engineering can organise training sessions for students and faculty members on Virtual labs.

Also, by being a Nodal Center, MIT College of Engineering can organize workshops as an outreach activity of Virtual Labs. Faculty members and students from nearby institutes may also be invited to attend the workshop or training programme.

Event Organised, As a Nodal Centre in association with NITK, Surathkal

Sl. No Date Event No of Participants
1 26.10.2019 One day Workshop on VIRTUAL LABS for all Engineering discipline Faculties 85
2 13.01.2020 One day workshop on VIRTUAL LABS
for all Technical Staffs of Engineering Discipline
3 10.02.2020 Awareness program on Virtual Lab for Mechanical Engineering Students
