President’s Message

Dr. S. Murali

Dear Friends,

In an age when ideas and commerce fly instantly across the globe the website of Maharaja Institute of Technology Mysore has become bridge to connect people directly associated like students, parents, industry, alumni and well-wishers to understand each other through a common stage.

Maharaja Institute of Technology Mysore has chosen Borders and Boundaries for its location between Mandya district and Mysore district to connect two districts academically. Founders themselves Academicians have given strong foundation and Now Institute has made good name in the region. Ambitions are plenty, to drive this Institution to national level and further. Information plays a major role in spreading facilities, events, industry connectivity, conferences, students’ achievements etc.

Inspirational truth goes beyond borders and boundaries. It is a bridge to understand the world and our purpose in it. We on our beautiful lush green campus engage in teaching and learning with great respect to all stake holders. I look forward in seeing our students gain the knowledge and develop the great academic capabilities that will allow them to build bridges of their own across the world to connect people.

Unlike earlier days today amount information is plenty, but valid and truthful information can only build strong long lasting bridge. The work done by the website team is highly appreciable in placing right contents.

Thanks and wishes to all

Dr. Murali S
President, Maharaja Education Trust ® Mysore